Market Insider

Janie Burke

p: (850) 694-0072
e: [email protected]

Meet Janie Burke

Janie Burke is a long-time resident of St George Island (28 years).

Janie is Georgia-born, raised by loving, working parents who stressed honesty and hard work. Her education was at Shorter College in Rome, GA and the University of Alabama with a degree in Biology & Education. She taught high school for 5 years and holds a Lifetime Teaching Certificate in Georgia and teaching licenses in North Carolina and Indiana as well. Janie then worked as a Personnel Director for a large corporation in Indiana for 19 years. During that time she and her husband, Larry, vacationed at St George Island, fell in love with the area and purchased property. After having vacationed all along the Panhandle as a child and finally saw St George Island, she knew it was "Florida...the way it used to be"!

St. George Island Realty, LLC

p: (800) 344-7570
a: 115 W Gulf Beach Drive St. George Island FL 32328

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